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Our Vision, Culture
and Strategy

As a school, we want our children to have a strong sense of identity and belonging.


We want them to be empowered with the knowledge, skills and confidence to be able to make an impact on the future by understanding the past and the world they inherit.


In order to do this, we strive to develop in them a curiosity for the world in which they live, a love of learning and be able to work collaboratively whilst expressing their individuality with confidence.


In this way, we deliver a enquiry curriculum that encourages our learners and staff to question the purpose of the learning and develop meaningful projects which will have an impact on the world around us.  


We value every child for who they are and prepare them for everything they could be.


Our Vision and Culture

​ For us, education is about:


  • Ambition. The meaningful curriculum pathways are designed to widen perspectives and challenge and support every learner to achieve highly. Expectations for behaviour are high. We want all pupils to make good or better progress.


  • Curiosity. Our curriculum is designed to support children to understand their heritage and the world they live in, in order to inform the future. We aim to develop in our children the joy of discovery, a sense of wonder, and the power of their imagination.


  • Inclusion. We genuinely care and prioritise wellbeing. We strive to support children to develop a strong sense of identity and build self-esteem. We want our children to learn in a safe, calm and supportive environment.


  • Opportunity. We invest in memorable experiences that inspire children, build knowledge and character.  


We want our children to:


  • Thrive. We want them to feel that school is a secure base where they belong. We want them to connect with each other, the adults and their learning.


  • Be respectful, resilient and responsible. Pupils are engaged in learning, they are encouraged to see challenge as opportunity and can make links to deepen knowledge and understanding.


  • Become active citizens. We strive to develop chidlren who are passionate about making a positive change in the world


For us it’s about togetherness.  It’s about inspiring a community to achieve success.


#Together, we can.


The strategy.  We will do this by . . .


  • being child centred. We want our children to grow and thrive by feeling that school is a secure base where they belong. Children feel safe and know we are a ‘listening’ school.


  • striving for all our pupils to make good or better progress. We don’t want any pupil to be left behind. We want to reverse the trend of lower end of year Y6 outcomes.


  • offering three curriculum pathways with well matched provision for everyone, and  bespoke provision for those where this is needed. The curriculum is meaningful and experiential with enrichment that provide memorable learning experiences and prepare pupils for the future


  • all teachers delivering good lessons which motivate and inspire children to learn


  • relentlessly promoting kindness, respectful and courage so that our children make good decisions about their learning, relationships and all interactions


  • ensuring that all pupils are engaged and involved in learning and show resilience when faced with challenged. They can adapt to new learning and make links between learning which helps to deepen their knowledge and understanding


  • having high expectations for behaviour. Having a clarity about how we conduct respectful and trusting relationships. Ensuring this is consistently embedded in routines and directly taught through our behaviour curriculum to ensure a calm and safe environment


  • continuing to improve pupils' attendance


  • having a strong vision and clear strategic direction. Leaders are relentless in their pursuit to improve the quality of education, nurture and experience for the children in the Central community


  • developing staff through well chosen, specific training which supports school and personal development.

Wath Central Primary School
Fitzwilliam Street
South Yorkshire

S63 7HG


Telephone: 01709 760345


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James Montgomery Academy Trust
Ellis House

Brampton Road


South Yorkshire

S63 6BB



Telephone: 01709 763905


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