School Uniform Expectations
Every child is expected to come in school uniform every day except for P.E days, when they should come in the appropriate P.E kit.
The details of our uniform are as follows.
Red/White plain polo shirt
Red cardigan/ red sweatshirt (not a hoody)/ red jumper
Grey or black skirt or pinafore.
Grey or black school trousers or shorts (not joggers or sportswear)
In the summer, children are welcome to wear a red checked dress.
Sensible, black or dark flat shoes (for health and safety reasons)
Polo shirts and sweatshirts with the school logo can be purchased from Prestige Printers, Swinton and Pinders, Rotherham. Please ask school for further details.
Should a child not be in uniform, we will support families by providing correct uniform from our school stocks. If we do not have a suitable replacement for the day, we will ask parents to ensure correct uniform is provided in the future. ​​​​​​​
Please mark all your child's clothing with his/her name. Any items that are misplaced can then be easily returned. ​​

P.E Kit
On your child's allocated P.E day, your child should come to school wearing their P.E kit.
Children’s PE kit must comprise:
Plain, white T-Shirt
Plain, black sweatshirt (no logo or tiny logo only). If children do not have a plain black sweatshirt, they should wear their normal red school jumper or sweatshirt on P.E day. ​
Plain, black shorts or plain black tracksuit bottoms (no logo or tiny logo).
Appropriate trainers with good grip for sport.
White or black/dark socks​​
We do not allow:
Make up / unnatural fake or spray tan
False nails or nail varnish
False eyelashes
Body piercings​​​
Hoods, hats, bandanas/snoods or caps inside
We do not encourage:
Visible tattoo transfers​​​
Large hair accessories which could become caught in equipment or at play e.g Jo jo bows.
Please note:
The school cannot accept responsibility for personal items at school. There is a box of lost property where misplaced items are placed. If your child brings home the wrong article of clothing by mistake we would appreciate it if you could ensure that it is returned to school at the earliest convenience.
We allow:
One watch
Single pair of stud earrings worn in the ear lobe.
We do not allow:
Other earrings (Sleepers, stretchers, spike earrings or hoops)
Bracelets and bangles
The Governing Body support the Local Authority’s recommendation that all jewellery should be removed for physical education. Staff cannot remove earrings.
However, the Trust's PE policy states, ‘If earrings cannot be removed, these must be taped up by the individual pupil themselves’.
Please note:
We strongly encourage parents to wait until the school holidays to have their children’s ears pierced so that any issues regarding removal of earrings are avoided.
P.E is a statutory subject which all primary age children must participate in.