Statement of Intent
At Wath Central Primary School we aim to give all of our children a sound understanding and curiosity of the world around them through a curriculum that builds on previous knowledge and is extended through natural awe and wonder.
Through the programmes of study in the National Curriculum children will be taught the essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. They will be encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes. Our children will ‘Work Scientifically’ throughout their content study so that the effective use equipment, experiments, explanations and questions are embedded and interwoven in their subject knowledge.
Our children are encouraged to be independent, responsible learners who use a range of other curriculum studies as a tool to grow their science knowledge. Strong links are made in their scientific working and presentation to others of their science learning.
To do this, Wath Central aim:
To equip children with the skills, knowledge and ability to think, work scientifically and progress across the disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
To offer opportunities to inspire and empower them to be curious about their world in preparation for their future role within the community and world beyond.
To encourage children to be brave, inquisitive and to confidently explore, ask questions test their ideas as they strive to make a difference.
To provide a relevant, supportive but challenging curriculum which allows the children to flourish in the excitement and joy of first hand discovery.
To provide a curriculum which not only meets the requirements of the National Curriculum but allows opportunities for deeper level thinking, developing empathy and responsibility for their community and world.
Implementation - Science at Wath Central
Our teachers are enthusiastic about science and promote a positive attitude towards exploring and understanding the world around us. We make links to current issues both locally and globally. Our whole school approach to teaching science includes making memories whilst exploring scientific concepts:
From F1 to Year 6 we plan and deliver engaging lessons and environments with high quality resources to aid understanding of conceptual knowledge.
Science lessons are taught discretely within the curriculum and reinforced through application in our concept curriculum.
At every stage of learning we introduce challenging concepts and new vocabulary.
Science books are taken through school with the child so that their knowledge and skills are built upon from previous learning.
Opportunities to encourage and enable children to work scientifically, explore and find out for themselves are interwoven throughout each unit of study.
Children are able to access outdoor learning on the school site, within the local environment and during educational visits in order to explore and understand their natural surroundings.
We ensure effective formative assessment and feedback that informs future learning and promotes deeper thinking.
Our science teaching extends beyond the curriculum:
We ensure that children explore the scientific world around them through the study of relevant scientists to their learning. Scientists, of the past and present, are explored through their work, culture and background to show a deeper insight into science capital.
We offer a weekly after school science club for children to explore and investigate concepts of their choosing and interest.
We include parents as ambassadors of their scientific interests or vocation, building up a directory of those who would like to speak to the children and get involved in their learning.
We give our children opportunities to work with the wider world through association with the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre and Sheffield University. This allows them to see science used in real life and everyday applications.