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Further Guidance and Documentation
Intimate Care
Wath Central take the health and well-being of our pupils very seriously. Our Intimate Care Policy and Care Plans are put in place to safaguard children and staff whilst intimate care is being delivered.
What is intimate care?
Intimate care tasks are associated with bodily functions, body products and personal hygiene that demand direct or indirect contact with, or exposure of, the genitals.
Examples of intimate care include support with dressing and undressing (underwear), changing nappies (including the application of nappy cream), menstrual hygiene, helping someone use the toilet, cleaning intimate parts of the body or feeding via. gastronomy tubes. Pupils with these care needs may be unable to meet their own care needs independently for a variety of reasons and may require regular support.
What does an intimate care plan cover?
Intimate Care Plans are written in collaboration with parents/carers and are reviewed on a regular basis. The care plans themselves are documents which outline how the care will be delivered, who will do this, where this will be done and how the child will be involved in the process in order to ensure that they feel safe. respected and are gradually increasing their independence towards self-care.
Wath Central ensure that the Guiding Principles of Intimate Care are considered and maintained at all times:
• Every intimate care procedure must be completed within an atmosphere of total respect and dignity both for the individual receiving care and for the person involved in giving the care.
• Every plan supporting intimate care must demonstrate how the child can be enabled to develop their independence as far as is reasonably practical for the child.
• The number of adults engaged in the care should only reflect the minimum needed to perform the task safely and respectfully. Each situation should reflect both the safety and vulnerability of children and staff.
• In the instance of infectious disease, this may also include isolating to an appropriate area, and the member of staff taking extra precautionary measures to protect themselves with personal protective measures as appropriate.