Welcome to Wath Central's Early Years Foundation Stage!

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Foundation Stage Baseline Assessment
The reception baseline assessment is a national assessment that is administered in reception classes in all primary, infant and first schools in England. This forms the baseline for primary progress measures, allowing schools to receive credit for the progress their pupils make throughout their time in primary school.
Historically, a key measure of how well a primary school is serving its pupils is the progress that they make between the end of key stage 1 (year 2) and the end of key stage 2 (year 6). This allows the government to take account of the fact that schools face different challenges given their pupils’ starting points. The reception baseline assessment provides a snapshot of where pupils are when they arrive at school, enabling a new starting point to measure the progress that they make by the end of year 6. It also enables the Department for Education (DfE) to remove statutory end of key stage 1 assessments, as they are no longer the starting point for progress measures.
An information video for parents about the reception baseline assessment (RBA) can be found by following the link below:

The Baseline Assessment is a short, interview and practical assessment of your children's early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills when they begin school, using materials that most children of your child's age will be familiar with. It was made statutory for all schools since September 2021.
The assessment will provide an opportunity for your child to have valuable one-to-one time with Mrs Clarke at an early stage, so that she can get to know your child better. It will provide a helpful snapshot of your child so that they can be supported in the most appropriate way.
You do not have to do anything to prepare your child for the assessment. Your child is unlikely to even know that they are doing an assessment when they are completing tasks and activities.