Curriculum Statement of Intent
Our school curriculum is based on philosophical concepts which:
Enable a cohesive and joined up schema (to filter the content of the curriculum through concepts)
Broaden pupils' understanding of their place in their community and the world. Create connections or relevance to pupils’ lives. Give pupils a wider perspective.
Facilitate an open and divergent enquiry
Allow ‘big thoughts’ at every age and give our pupils opportunity to think rather than telling them what to think
Develops empathy and a commitment to justice
Nurture in our pupils their capacity and potential to have an impact on their environment and community

Our school curriculum fully embraces the National Curriculum and EYFS statutory framework providing a strong foundation on which to build resilient, resourceful and independent learners. Our vision is strong and as such is defining our learning journey and how we are developing teaching and learning through school.
We immerse pupils in projects with meaningful content and authentic outcomes. Pupils are challenged to work creatively whilst deepening their knowledge and understanding through engaging and memorable experiences.
Our curriculum is a progressive model at the heart of which is the development of core skills and knowledge. We have an ethos of teaching simply, practising thoroughly, feeding back precisely and constructively. In this way, our learners are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning journey; making choices, working collaboratively, articulating ideas clearly, respecting others’ ideas and opinions and they are guided to being open to feedback that will enable them to improve their work and make progress.
We embrace a range of teaching and learning approaches that best enable all pupils to access the curriculum and allow teachers to follow their strengths and passions. Formative assessment and verbal and peer critique is key to the success of our pupils.
Learning in EYFS challenges children to become independent, motivated learners who are full of curiosity about the world around them, Within our calm, happy and secure environment, our children experience teaching, engaging hands on learning and a child centred curriculum that ensure the consistent development of s skills across all areas of learning. Children are encouraged to explore take risks and form positive relationships with their peers in a setting that celebrates the uniqueness of every child.
We are ensuring this through:
Distributive leadership model where Curriculum leadership is provided by the SLT and Curriculum Leaders.
Curriculum teams who are currently reviewing and developing progression models in line with the latest research and our curriculum statement.
A Curriculum which is comparable to the National Curriculum in breadth, focusing on key knowledge and skills and designed with the needs of our pupils in mind.
English and Maths remaining a key focus but are enriched by a meaningful curriculum which widens children’s perspectives, increases cultural capital and develops a love for learning.
Developing vocabulary teaching to enable pupils to communicate effectively and access the Curriculum with increased understanding.
Providing an immersive Engage day to begin each project stimulating the children’s curiosity and enquiry.
Being flexible in our approach to Curriculum Implementation. Vehicles for learning include a wide range of opportunities, experiences and approaches. Pupils are becoming confident to work in a variety of ways and enjoy the authority that they are given in leading their learning.

Feedback, scaffolded support, challenge and ownership being key in all we do.
Formative assessment being effective in driving learning for all pupils. Pre assessment, knowledge harvests and ongoing checking strategies are used to ensure that the pitch of lessons is appropriate and that we teach to gaps. The focus on, ‘Keep up not Catch up’ a Verbal feedback (and reduced marking demand) and assessment for learning strategies are accelerating progress. Pupils are encouraged to redraft and improve using blue pen - ‘Better it Blue’. Reflection time and critique are developing so that pupils review their learning and how they can further develop
Focusing on a depth of enquiry, and more reflective practice, growing curious and independent thinkers. The end of KS results show a strength in Greater Depth.
Maintaining a curriculum and provision that fulfils our duties explained within the Equality Act and Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations