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Our curriculum model contains three overarching projects  and three mini projects all of which are led by and held together by philosophical concepts. 

Curriculum Layout.PNG

How does our curriculum work?

We use an enquiry lens to plan, deliver and discover new learning.

Click here to view Wath Central's enquiry lens.


As part of our school vision, we want our children to prepare themselves for the real world and, as a school, we feel it is important to deliver a curriculum that allows children to delve deeper into different thoughts, concepts and theories. Therefore, our curriculum has a termly or half termly focus that explores one area of the curriculum significantly, with others being interwoven within the area of study, and with a focus around key concepts that children can explore in various contexts, including today's world. In addition to the main projects, we also have a number of mini projects interwoven into the academic year that often provide a whole school approach to a subject. For example, in the previous years children have looked at different countries and their cultures to create a 'Around the World' exhibition through school and an inclusion project linked to overcoming difficulties and an online campaign to tackle stereotypes.


How do we ensure coverage?

Click here to view Wath Central's approach to project planning.


Our curriculum is linked accordingly to the National Curriculum and Early Years Framework. Although we have a main subject area each term, we also ensure that other areas of the curriculum are covered. This allows for skills and understanding to be developed as appropriate. However, completing the curriculum using the cycle shown above, allows for a further depth of thinking and exploring of real life issues. Where possible, we link our subjects to our main or mini projects. However, where a subject is not focused on within a project, the subjects are taught discretely in designated timetable slots. 


What are concepts?

As seen above, Wath Central prides themselves on delivering a philosophical curriculum where child get to explore views, issues and theories in a safe environment. Rather than a subject area leading our curriculum, philosophical concepts (for example identity, common good, segregation) launch our projects. This allows us to study areas of the curriculum in a thematic way whilst also linking what the concepts mean today. For example, when learning about the concepts of 'community' and 'home', children may look at what a community means to them and where they consider their home. In addition to considering themselves, they can also consider the first communities and make links to the Stone Age. When thinking about a sense of home in today's world, children may look at those less fortunate and develop an understanding of the homeless and ways to support the homeless. Projects end in a purposeful outcome based on what they have been learning through the concepts of choice. This may be a school level of impact or a wider impact in the local community or wider.




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Wath Central Primary School
Fitzwilliam Street
South Yorkshire

S63 7HG


Telephone: 01709 760345


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James Montgomery Academy Trust
Ellis House

Brampton Road


South Yorkshire

S63 6BB



Telephone: 01709 763905


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